Key Points:

  • A violent storm tore through Buenos Aires on Sunday morning, unleashing torrential rain, fierce winds, and widespread damage.

  • At least 13 people were tragically killed, while the city's airport suffered significant infrastructure damage.

  • Power outages and disruptions continue across the capital as authorities scramble to assess the full extent of the devastation.

Storm Fury Unleashes Chaos in Buenos Aires

A brutal storm descended upon Buenos Aires early Sunday morning, transforming the bustling Argentine capital into a scene of chaos and destruction. Relentless downpours inundated the city, while ferocious winds whipped through streets, toppling trees, shattering windows, and wreaking havoc on infrastructure. The storm's wrath claimed the lives of at least 13 individuals, leaving countless others injured and families grieving.

Airport Crippled by Wind's Wrath

Buenos Aires' Ministro Pistarini International Airport, a vital transportation hub, bore the brunt of the storm's fury. The powerful winds inflicted extensive damage on the terminal building and other infrastructure, causing disruptions and cancellations throughout the day. A parked Aerolíneas Argentinas Boeing 737-700 aircraft, LV-CAD, became a victim of the storm's violence. The wind's relentless force pushed the plane, causing its left wing leading edge to collide with ground equipment, resulting in visible damage. The airline was forced to cancel a domestic flight towards Mendoza due to the ongoing chaos.

Social Media Paints a Grim Picture

The full extent of the storm's impact is still being assessed, but videos shared on social media platforms like X offer a glimpse into the devastation. The clips capture the wind's terrifying power as it whips through the airport, tearing at structures and sending debris flying. These harrowing visuals serve as a stark reminder of the storm's destructive force and the immense task ahead for recovery efforts.