Key Points:

  • Air Canada has responded to media reports about an ICAO audit, clarifying that the audit was of Transport Canada's implementation of standards, not of Canadian aircraft operations.

  • The airline boasts rigorous internal safety processes, regularly evaluated and audited by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

  • Air Canada's recent IOSA audit resulted in exceptional findings, showcasing its dedication to maintaining high safety standards.

Air Canada's Response to ICAO Audit Reports

MONTREAL — In light of recent media reports concerning a draft audit by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) on Transport Canada, Air Canada has issued a statement to provide clarity. The airline stresses that the ICAO's audit focused on Transport Canada's adherence to ICAO standards and did not directly evaluate the safety of operating Canadian aircraft.

This clarification comes as a response to any potential misconceptions arising from the media coverage of the ICAO audit. Air Canada aims to reassure its stakeholders and the public about the integrity and safety of its operations.

Air Canada's Internal Safety Measures and Audit Success

Air Canada places a strong emphasis on maintaining robust internal safety processes. These procedures undergo regular evaluation and auditing by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), which includes over 300 member airlines globally. The IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) is recognized as a premier benchmark for assessing airline safety, and membership in IATA is contingent upon successfully passing this audit.

The airline proudly announced that its most recent IOSA audit, completed in November, resulted in outstanding findings. Air Canada's performance in this audit was significantly above average, reflecting its commitment to upholding stringent safety standards. Furthermore, the airline actively collaborates with various aviation organizations and authorities worldwide to enhance safety measures and share best practices in aviation safety.