Key Points:
  • Embraer, the Brazilian aircraft manufacturer, expects to realize a 25.8% growth in aircraft deliveries in 2023, aiming for around 200 jets.

  • The company acknowledges ongoing supply chain disruptions, primarily with Pratt & Whitney's engine supplies.

  • Chief Executive Francisco Gomes Neto remains positive about the fourth quarter, which he believes will counterbalance the slower activity anticipated at the beginning of 2023.

Embraer remains positive about 2023 aircraft delivery goals

SAO PAULO — Despite looming supply chain hurdles, Brazilian aircraft giant Embraer remains bullish about its 2023 aircraft delivery projections. The company aims to see a surge of nearly 25.8%, translating to around 200 aircraft deliveries, factoring in both its commercial and executive aviation segments. Of this figure, between 65 to 70 deliveries are expected to be commercial aircraft.

Speaking at an industry event in Sao Paulo, CEO Francisco Gomes Neto shared, "We're optimistic about hitting the targets we set out. The second and third quarters showed promising performance, which is beneficial. However, we're counting on the fourth quarter to balance out the slower start we foresee in 2023 due to supply chain challenges."

Consistent Delivery and Upcoming Results

Gomes Neto portrayed a positive image of the recent quarter, emphasizing its alignment with the company's yearly objectives. Notably, Embraer plans to disclose its third-quarter results in the coming month. By the conclusion of Q2, Embraer reported the delivery of 62 jets, comprised of 24 commercial and 38 executive jets.

Peering into the future, Gomes Neto elucidated, "While we're in the midst of formulating our plans for the upcoming year, our aspiration is to emulate this year's growth in 2023." He hinted at potential significant announcements, highlighting recent sales of E195-E2 aircraft to Luxair in Luxembourg and E175 jets to Nigeria's Air Peace.

Addressing Engine Supply Hitches

One of the major stumbling blocks Embraer has grappled with concerns engines sourced from Pratt & Whitney, a unit of RTX Corp. Due to production and quality challenges, Pratt & Whitney anticipates grounding around 350 aircraft annually until 2026. This entails removing engines from Airbus A320neo jets for thorough checks.

Embraer's latest E2 series uses Pratt's Geared Turbofan engines. Addressing this issue, Gomes Neto stated, "While we aren't exempt from this challenge, our jets, being lighter and equipped with an advanced engine setup compared to counterparts like the A320 and A220, are positioned better to navigate these disruptions."