Air Koryo to resume air link between Vladivostok and Pyongyang this August.

Key Points:

  • Vladivostok airport confirms flights to Pyongyang scheduled for August 25 and 28, marking their first since the start of the pandemic.

  • Air Koryo's website displays a ticket price of 230 US dollars for the Pyongyang to Vladivostok route.

  • The last known flight between these cities took place on March 9, 2020, transporting Russian and foreign diplomats from the DPRK.

VLADIVOSTOK — Flights connecting Vladivostok and Pyongyang are set to recommence on August 25 and 28, marking the first such voyages since the coronavirus pandemic's onset, as announced by the Vladivostok airport's press team. The Tu-204 aircraft, known for their seating capacity ranging from 164 to 215 passengers, will facilitate these journeys. However, the airport has only confirmed these two flight dates, leaving details about potential return flights undisclosed.

Air Koryo, the DPRK state airline, has shed light on ticketing details for this revived route. According to an update shared on the Russian Foreign Ministry's Telegram channel in Vladivostok, travelers can expect to pay a fare of 230 US dollars for a flight from Pyongyang to Vladivostok.

Reflecting on the past, the most recent flight prior to this resumption between Pyongyang and Vladivostok was on March 9, 2020. This particular flight had a distinct passenger list, consisting of Russian and other foreign diplomats opting to vacate the DPRK amid the escalating pandemic. Notably, this group included 13 Russian nationals.