Broome-Kununurra-Darwin route sees new wings as Nexus Airlines takes off.

  • Nexus Airlines begins operations, offering an alternative to Airnorth on the Broome-Kununurra-Darwin route.
  • Aviation consultants and locals anticipate increased competition, better reliability, and possibly lower flight prices.
  • Nexus Airlines is expanding its fleet to ensure reliability and aims for a daily flight schedule.

KIMBERLEY — Australia's northern airspace welcomes a new contender. Nexus Airlines recently initiated its operations, marking its presence on the Broome-Kununurra-Darwin route. This is set to spice up the competition against Airnorth, the long-standing sole airline serving this pivotal Western Australia-Northern Territory journey.

Residents of the region, who have been awaiting an alternative, especially after Airnorth's pilot shortage issues last year, now have a reason to be optimistic. "Heightened competition is going to bring more choices and potentially friendlier prices," observed Tim Collins of Upstream Aviation. Nexus Airlines' Managing Director, Michael McConachy, echoes this optimistic sentiment, sharing ambitious plans of expanding from a few weekly flights to a daily schedule.

Nexus' inaugural flight, boasting a full Dash 8 Q400 aircraft, left with nearly 50 passengers, a promising start for the newcomer. Reflecting on the airline's vision, McConachy emphasized the company’s commitment to dependability, stating, "We're currently housing three aircraft and are anticipating two more in the next couple of months. We’re gearing up to handle technical hurdles without compromising on our schedule."

While Nexus's promise of reliability is evident with their expanding fleet, McConachy has been candid about pricing. Though he can't vouch for constant low fares, staying competitive is certainly on the airline's radar. Collins, drawing from his aviation expertise, underscores the importance of diverse choices for the community, suggesting that this could be a potential tourism booster, "With more flight choices, Broome’s tourists can easily make side trips to Kununurra.”

The broader implications of Nexus Airlines' arrival aren't lost on the community's leaders. Divina D'Anna, Kimberley MP, celebrates the likely influx of tourists and the additional options for Kimberley's inhabitants. Meanwhile, emphasizing the economic aspect of the venture, Desiree Male, Shire of Broome president, conveyed her hopes for the airline, hinting at a balance between affordable fares and business sustainability.