Key Points:

  • A 26-year-old woman was arrested for trying to open the emergency exit of a Korean Air flight while under the influence of meth.

  • The incident occurred on a flight from New York to Incheon, with the woman showing signs of anxiety 10 hours into the flight.

  • Following her arrest, the woman tested positive for meth, prompting an investigation for violations of the Aviation Security Act and drug abuse.

Mid-Flight Security Scare on Korean Air

A recent incident aboard a Korean Air flight from New York to Incheon, South Korea, resulted in the arrest of a 26-year-old woman. The passenger attempted to open the emergency exit door mid-flight, prompting immediate action from the flight crew. The Korea JoongAng Daily reported that the incident occurred on November 23, causing significant concern onboard.

According to official reports, the passenger began exhibiting signs of distress and anxiety approximately 10 hours into the flight. Despite her repeated attempts to open the emergency exit, she was successfully restrained by the flight attendants. Upon the aircraft's arrival at Incheon International Airport, the woman was apprehended and handed over to the police.

Investigation Underway for Drug Influence and Aviation Security Violation

Subsequent investigations revealed that the woman was under the influence of methamphetamine. She tested positive for the drug in a screening conducted after the incident. The Incheon International Airport Police are now investigating her for potential violations of the Aviation Security Act, in addition to drug abuse under the Narcotics Control Act.

A police official provided insight into the ongoing investigation, noting that the woman was not coherent during questioning. To determine the specifics of her drug consumption, including the type and quantity of drugs taken, authorities have sought a comprehensive evaluation from the National Forensic Service. The incident has raised significant safety concerns, highlighting the importance of stringent security measures and protocols on commercial flights.