Key Points:

  • Pratt & Whitney Canada celebrates the achievement of its 200th engine type certification, tracing back to the PT6 engine launched in 1963.

  • The newly certified PW127XT-L engine, set to power the ATR 42-600S, brings notable improvements in performance and maintenance.

  • Both Pratt & Whitney Canada and ATR highlight the significance of this certification and the collaborative efforts that made it possible.

Pratt & Whitney Canada marks its 200th engine type certification with the PW127XT-L.

Marking a significant milestone in aviation, Pratt & Whitney Canada is commemorating its 200th engine type certification, a journey that began with the PT6 engine's debut in 1963. The recent certification of the PW127XT-L regional turboprop engine by Transport Canada Civil Aviation underscores the company's long-standing commitment to innovation.

Enhanced Performance with the PW127XT-L

Slated to propel the ATR 42-600S regional turboprop, the PW127XT-L engine promises a suite of advancements. It boasts a 40% increase in time on wing, which signifies longer operational periods before maintenance is needed. Further, there's a cutback of 20% in maintenance expenditures and a 3% uptick in fuel efficiency. A noteworthy feature of the new engine is its enhanced thrust rating, allowing the aircraft to achieve take-offs from runways as concise as 800 meters.

Industry Voices on the Milestone

Reflecting on this historic achievement, Irene Makris, the Vice President for Customer Service at Pratt & Whitney Canada, commented, "Attaining 200 engine type certifications in six decades exemplifies a remarkable feat in aviation." She attributed the accomplishment to the unwavering commitment, skill, and expertise of successive generations at Pratt & Whitney Canada. With optimism, she added that the firm envisions a future lined with more engine certifications.

Similarly, highlighting the significance of the certification for the ATR 42-600S program, Daniel Cuchet, ATR's Senior Vice-President of Engineering, noted that the engine modifications are integral to the pivotal technical upgrades made to the aircraft. It encompasses adjustments to the rudder, avionics, and more, significantly influencing take-off capabilities. Cuchet extended his gratitude for the consistent collaboration and relentless effort put in by teams from both ATR and Pratt & Whitney Canada, culminating in this commendable success.