53% of Airbus annual delivery target achieved through July.

Key Points:

  • Airbus delivered 65 aircraft to 36 customers in the last month, making progress toward its annual target of delivering 720 planes.

  • Having delivered 381 aircraft by the end of July, Airbus has reached 53% of its annual delivery goal.

  • Last year, Airbus had to reduce its annual delivery target twice due to the impact of the pandemic on its suppliers, leading to staff shortages and delayed delivery of various components.

TOULOUSE — As Airbus aims to achieve its full-year goal, it delivered 65 aircraft to a total of 36 clients last month. According to a statement issued by the company, Airbus had transported 381 aircraft by the end of July, marking roughly 53% of their yearly objective of 720 deliveries.

The company aims to evade a recurrence of the previous year's predicament, when it was forced to reduce its annual delivery targets twice. Disruptions caused by the ongoing impact of the pandemic led to staffing shortages among suppliers, who struggled to provide a range of components, from seats and semiconductors to raw materials.

Recently, Airbus revised its production targets, discarding an intermediate aim to manufacture 65 of its best-selling A320 jets on a monthly basis by the end of next year. The company stated it would instead concentrate on a long-term objective of producing 75 planes per month by 2026. This change in strategy comes in response to enduring volatility in supply chains and labor shortages, complicating near-term projections.

The aircraft manufacturer also reported receiving orders for 60 new planes last month, adding to their growing production schedule.