MOSCOW, RUSSIA — Rosaviatsia extends Antonov An-148's lifespan following rigorous inspection.

In a move set to extend the operational lifespan of the Antonov An-148, Russia's federal air transport watchdog, Rosaviatsia, has sanctioned an increase in the aircraft's lifetime from 10 to 30 years. This verdict was reached following rigorous inspections and compliance with global norms.

The An-148, a regional twinjet, traces its origins back to the Ukrainian design bureau Antonov. Notably, multiple An-148 airframes were put together at a production facility in Voronezh, Russia, as part of an erstwhile collaboration. However, escalating geopolitical tensions between Russia and Ukraine, preceding the ongoing dispute, resulted in a halt to the joint effort on the program.

Despite Antonov being the type certificate holder, the recent lifespan extension of the An-148 came about following supplementary certification work performed by the Ilyushin division of United Aircraft, which was authorized by Rosaviatsia on June 21. This development promises a continued service of the An-148 among several Russian airlines, which rely on this aircraft model.

Rosaviatsia has lauded Ilyushin for its impressive capabilities in aircraft development. The An-148's age management plan was evaluated as part of the extension effort, scrutinizing prior work carried out by Antonov.